Saturday Mom dad dev all went out early to look for deer and came back with nothing. At lunch dad said a prayer that we would be able to go home with a deer. After lunch I was lets me honest tired of Kiegen so I asked mom to take him on a ride on the 4 wheeler so I could nap and next thing we know we are waking up to " I just got a deer" she got her first deer all by herself! It was awesome and an awesome shot. We got back and cleaned her deer up went back to camp and ate an early dinner we made sure to say thank you to Heavenly Father since there was a teaching experience going.
About 5pm we went out to look for deer/call uncle zack and aunt chanise. In the back of the truck was Devin, kiegen, and I we were driving for a little bit then kiegen looks up at me and whispers "mommy we should say a prayer" I said "ok buddy lets say one" I said one in my head and looked down and him and he was whispering a little prayer. Not more than 2 mins later we go around a corner and what do we see but a few deer and sure enough Dev was able to get one! It was kinda fun since i had never been out with them and seen it done! But the best part was kiegen so proud that he knew that his prayer had helped! so we knelt down right next to the deer and said a prayer of graditude.
It was so much fun! We always love to go!