Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So beginning of February Kiegen was really sick and had to be put in the hospital for dehydration they kept him there for 9 hours. They sent us home because they needed the room(which they never used) so last week Kiegen got really sick again (oh yeah by the way his daddy was out of town) so on Friday he wasn't doing any better and I took him back to the doctor and they decided that he needed to go back into the hospital for dehydration.
We got there on Friday at 6:00pm. It was NOT fun seeing him get the iv put in and being stuck to the short tube. He decided on Saturday morning at 5:00am that he didn't want his iv in anymore so he decided to pull it out. We had to wait until the doctor came in for them to put it back in. They told us they were running all kinds of tests and we were waiting for the resullts before we could leave. Saturday at 2:00pm Devin got to the hospital which took a lot of pressure off me. Sunday they told us that all the tests came back negative but we still had to wait until monday for Kieg's doctor to come in and decide what to do. He came on Monday at 8:00am and told us they didn't have anything they could do for us so he sent us home with instructions to watch him close. We were out the door at 8:20am we couldn't wait to get our monster home.
He is finally starting to act like Kiegen which we are very excited about. We are just hoping that it goes away forever! They never could tell us what was wrong and I hope they never have the chance to find out.


Gregg Sorensen Family said...

The poor thing looked so sad in the hospital. I am really glad he is home now!! We love you Kiegen!!

Franc Family said...

I am sorry to hear about this. He looks so unhappy. I hope he can get over this and not have it keep happening! Thanks for you new blog I was wondering what happened to ya!